Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Project Runway Worthy?

This past winter, we were fortunate to get a few snows our way. Living in the south, we don’t see much of the white stuff. This one snow day, a lot fell. It brought people out all over the city building snow men in their yards and having snow ball fights. The family that lives across the street from me have a couple daughters, who were very creative in the fashion accessories they used for their snow man. Of course by the time I even thought about taking a photo of the snow man, he was looking quite misshapen and the snow was almost gone.

The snow man (or woman) is adorned with a Little Mermaid bucket for a hat and the handle is used for a chin strap. The eyes are gold Christmas tree ornaments. The scarf consists of gold and green tree garland. It's wearing a red sweater held on by a curtain rod and well, 2 green balls at the base. Not sure what those are for LOL Do I dare guess? Isn't it fun to see how creative kids can be?

1 comment:

Karen said...

That's really imaginative!! Even all hunched over and knocking on death's door, we can appreciate this snow lady. :)