In the June 27th issue of People magazine (Mail Bag page 8), Karla Strader voiced her opinion through email about Kim Kardashian’s engagement ring. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but do I sense a little jealousy here? For those of you who didn’t see the write up in People Magazine, here it is:
“Kim and Kris are a darling couple, and I know they’ve donated time and money to good causes in the past. But it was appalling to read about the ridiculous size and cost of Kim’s ring. When so many people are suffering on account of hunger, floods and tornados, to invest that much money in a ring is mind-boggling. I’d love to see them trade that huge rock in for something smaller and then give the extra money to charity” – Karla Strader
Well, no one asked for my opinion, but I’m going to give it. Just because you have money, it’s your birthright, you’re a celebrity, CEO, or whatever, doesn’t mean you should always have to donate money to a cause or charity. Kim’s FiancĂ©, Kris Humphries, earned that money and he can spend it anyway he chooses. If he wants to spend a million dollars buying a jock strap that’s personalized, then more power to him. Who am I to voice my opinion on how HE spends HIS money that HE earned? It’s customary for the man to spend at least two months’ salary on the engagement ring. Some may elect to spend more, some less. Some may want to look on eBay or see what kind of deal they can get for their money at a pawn shop or wait for a sale at their local jewelry store. It’s their choice.
I appreciate Karla looking out for “all the suffering people”, but has she donated her money to them? Has she ever asked a man to return an item he bought her and use that money to go to “all the suffering people”? Has she done without a hair color and mani-pedi in the name of “all the suffering people”? Could she have sold her front row tickets to Brad Paisley and Blake Shelton and given the money to “all the suffering people” that she bragged about on Facebook? One June 21st, Karla’s Facebook post stated “Heading off to Peru and Columbia this trip,haven't been to either one of them before so I hope I have time to see some thing. Check out page 8 in the June 27 issue of People magazine and look for my name!!”. Looks to me she was only trying to get her name in a magazine. Apparently she has a job that affords her to travel.
Regardless of how much or how little you make or how generous you are with showing your eternal love for someone, there will always be “suffering people”. Here, there and yonder, this world is full of people who need help. Hey Karla, will you sell your car to help the animal shelters provide food and better care for the animals? I appreciate the message you are trying to make. But Geez, why did you feel it necessary to crap on someone’s big day just because someone can afford more? Would the situation have been different IF the ring’s value wasn’t put out there for everyone to know? Would it have been different if the happy couple hadn’t been on the cover of this magazine telling everyone their news? They could have kept it private, but then you would never have got your name in the magazine.
I personally could care less how much the ring costs. Yes, it’s a gorgeous ring and it looks beautiful on her. Kim and Kris do make a lovely couple. I’m happy for them and wish them a lifetime of endless love. It’s a shame the energy Karla used to write the little article couldn’t have been better spent somewhere else…like on “all the suffering people”.